Help By Donating Today!
Make A Real Change In a Child’s Life
For about $1 a day, you can feed the mouth of an orphaned child in Vietnam.
We at Tiny Hearts of Hope work with the abandoned children of Southeast Asia. In Vietnam, a dollar goes a long way. It can feed a hungry soul for a whole day. For less than the cost of a hamburger on a fastfood dollar menu, we can feed a child three full meals a day.
In the Hope House, we house and feed kids that lived on the dirty, poverty stricken streets of Saigon. We offer them the saftey the protection, of this house setup as God’s house.
Often times in countries like Vietnam, children are faced with the sad reality of being born with disabilites or disorders.
In many cases, without money, these children are left to live a dificult life without any medical aid or surgery in site. Most of the time, the care they need truly can transorm there lives, often giving them a renewed hope. In some cases they face death without the life-saving operations. Without attention and love, they are left to struggle and fall throughout their lives. It is a joy unlike any other, as we at Tiny Hearts helps these precious little ones get the medical help they need.

How You Can Help

Hunger Relief
Support a child to have 3 full meals a day for as little as $30 a month.

Come visit us in Vietnam and make a lasting impact in the life of a child through service projects or medical teams.

Often there is a lack of key infrastructure in developing countries. We also help restore or build suitable living structures with clean water and sanitary conditions.

Our mission is funded through your generosity. We need your help to serve these children!
Our Mission
Tiny Hearts of Hope is a 501 (c)(3) Organization whose mission is to bring hope to those children throughout Southeast Asia that are forgotten about while staring in the face of poverty, disparity, and who are forsaken by a society that lacks the value they bring to humanity. We hope to bring a true hope and abundant life that truly everyone deserves.
More About Us
Tiny Hearts of Hope is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and bringing hope to those who need it. We bring necessities such as food, bedding, medical needs, clothing, and education. Our main focus is to show the love of our Savior and to teach the fatherless and poor how they can have true hope.
Medical Outreach
We partner with some of the top medical facilities in Vietnam to bring much needed medical care to many children who could not previously receive the life-changing, often life-saving medical help they need. We work with places like The French-Vietnamese Hospital, Family Medical Practice, HeartBeat Vietnam, and Nhi Dong Hai Hospital (Childrens Hospital 2).
There are many challenges with living in a developing country. One is the constant need for repairs and renovations on often times old and delapidated buildings. Utilizing one of our “Hope Teams” or by using local people, we are always repairing and renovating the orphanages that we work with. By giving the children a better place to live, we bring them a better life with less challenges.

Donate Today or Get Involved
Help a Child By Donating Today!
135/47 Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh, P22. Bình Thạnh
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam